why does my poop smell like weed

why does my poop smell like weed
why does my poop smell like weed

why does my poop smell like weed? If this is a question you’ve been wondering, read on to find out more. Prior to delving into the strange smells coming from our faeces, it is crucial to comprehend the fundamentals of how our sense of smell functions.

Envision entering the loo, prepared to heed the call of nature, only to be confronted by an odd and surprising aroma as soon as you inhale. It’s obvious. It smells like weed from your poop. You did really read correctly. Even though it sounds strange, a lot of individuals have been perplexed by this phenomenon and have been wondering how why does my poop smell like weed and their toilet visits are related.

why does my poop smell like weed

Odour molecules are released from substances and move through the air to start the process. These substances go through our nasal passages and interact with olfactory receptors, which are specialised cells.

It is amazing to learn that people have about 400 distinct kinds of olfactory receptors, each of which is made to detect a certain collection of odour molecules. The brain receives messages from these receptors when odour molecules activate them. The olfactory bulb in particular receives this information, processes it, and interprets it to give us the sense of smell.

Although having a unique odour is natural for stool, there are a number of things that might affect the smell’s intensity and nature.

Medications, diet, digestive processes, gut bacteria, and hydration are a few things that can affect how your poop smells.

The Most Typical Causes of why does my poop smell like weed

Although it may seem strange to associate the smell of marijuana with your faeces, there are a few frequent explanations that could account for this odd behaviour. They may also be the cause of your farts smelling like marijuana, in addition to faeces.

why does my poop smell like weed
why does my poop smell like weed

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Here are a few theories as to why does my poop smell like weed:

Recent Marijuana Consumption: This is the most likely explanation, as it directly links the smell to recent marijuana usage. Your faeces smells like cannabis, which could be related to edibles or cannabis use.

Urine and faeces are two body fluids via which the aromatic components and metabolites found in marijuana can be eliminated after use.

Therefore, it’s probable that the odour of marijuana will show up in your excrement if you’ve just taken it. This holds true for both smoking and using edibles.


Some meals have potent smells that are similar to those of marijuana, thus your excrement may smell like pot.

For example, eating meals high in sulphurous chemicals, such as garlic and onions, might make your stool smell like weeds.

Furthermore, after digestion, foods with a lot of processing, spices, or highly flavoured substances may release unique smells.

Gut Microbiota: Your gut’s microbiota, or the mix of bacteria that live there, is essential to digestion and has the power to give you a cannabis odour.

Changes in faecal odour and faeces odour may result from imbalances or modifications in gut flora. It is possible that marijuana use affects the microbiological ecology in your stomach, which could have an indirect effect on the odour of your excrement.

Metabolism and Elimination:

The connection between the smell of cannabis and excrement can also be attributed to the body’s metabolic and excretory processes.

Your body may excrete marijuana or its metabolites as waste products after processing it. These substances can cause your excrement to smell like marijuana during the elimination process.

Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness: Improper wiping or insufficient cleaning following bowel movements are examples of personal hygiene practices that might leave behind persistent smells that people may confuse with those of marijuana plants.

Maintaining enough hygiene and cleanliness in the lavatory is essential to getting rid of any residual odours and avoiding associations with the smell of marijuana.

The Reasons Behind Green Poop:

Does marijuana cause green excrement? Edible marijuana products and marijuana smoking are not likely to be the cause. Alternatively, it might be the outcome of the following:

Eating green leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kale) might turn your faeces green since they contain chlorophyll. Furthermore, eating or drinking anything that has artificial green food colouring in it may also momentarily change the colour of your faeces.

Fast Transit Time: The bile, which breaks down lipids, might not have enough time to thoroughly breakdown food if it passes through the digestive tract quickly. It could therefore turn your excrement green.

why does my poop smell like weed
why does my poop smell like weed

Medications and Supplements:
Antibiotics and iron supplements are two examples of drugs that can alter faeces colour, sometimes giving it a greenish tone. To learn about any possible side effects, speak with your healthcare practitioner if you take any medications.

It’s critical to see a doctor if you have chronic green stools combined with other symptoms like diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort, or irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms could point to an underlying problem.

Green poop, meanwhile, usually doesn’t warrant too much concern—especially if it goes away on its own.

The majority of the time, if your excrement smells like marijuana, you don’t need medical attention. This is typical, particularly if you have recently used cannabis.

While there are times when getting expert aid is vital, there are also times when changes in your poop’s smell, including a weed-like odour, can be related to harmless reasons.

It is best to speak with a healthcare provider if your poop smell varies over time, especially if it is coupled with other worrisome symptoms like diarrhoea, abdominal pain, or unexplained weight loss.

A medical professional, especially a gastroenterologist, can offer a comprehensive assessment and advice if you have any particular worries or inquiries regarding the health of your digestive system or if the odour doesn’t go away despite changes in your lifestyle.

We hope that this has clarified why does my poop smell like weed by the time you finish reading. As was already said, recent cannabis use is the most typical cause. Alternately, metabolism, gut microbiota, food, and personal cleanliness might all be factors. On the other hand, marijuana does not change the colour of your excrement, even though it can make it smell like marijuana. Alternatively, fast transit time in the digestive tract, drugs, or food may be the cause of green poop.


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