Awareness of life 


Teacher daily teaches punctuality us

To follow the instruction in the class.

Grow himself and work time to time

Could achieve goal,life becomes fine.


Be aware about some stupid friends

Like worthless weedy without sense,

Disturb all times,senseless boy and girl

Do not respect others because of dull.


In immoral acts,they keep them busy

Do not finish tasks,as they are lazy

Their critical thinking is very low

They advises others,grow up bro!


They create noises and speak at all

Like a trival creature without goal.

They only follow their nonsense mind

All the good things,keep their behind.


They ruined themselves,want to other

Be conscious of life, every step brother,

Good company need,keep in your mind

Stupid,nonsense foe, throw them behind.


Ak Azad

Jagannath University Literature Society 


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