friendship is a two way street

friendship is a two way street
friendship is a two way street

The proverb “friendship is a two way street” is quite accurate. Friendships is a two-way street, and each friend should invest the same amount of time and energy in the other. The people that enter your life and stay by your side no matter how far away they live or how busy they get are considered true friends. Friends give friendships their time.

Similar to plants, friendships require care and nurturing in order to flourish. These components can help you build enduring friendships that will benefit your life in many ways. Friendships are based on mutual support and effort. It is necessary for both buddies to:

friendship is a two way street

Spend time and energy on one another by scheduling time together, starting projects, and demonstrating an interest in one another’s lives.

Provide understanding and support: Strong friendships are characterised by a willingness to stick by one another through good times and bad, to listen without passing judgement, and to encourage one another.

Open and honest communication fosters trust and develops relationships. It also helps to resolve issues in a healthy way, share ideas and feelings, and practise clear communication.

Respect one another’s limits and individuality: Keeping strong friendships requires that people acknowledge and value one another’s differences, respect one another’s personal space, and refrain from attempting to alter one another.

friendship is a two way street
friendship is a two way street
Maintaining score or expecting equal treatment is not the nature of friendship. It’s about understanding, respect, and a desire to strengthen the relationship.

I used to let it have a big impact on me. What is wrong with me? Why don’t my pals text me to check in or want to hang out? They should be asking how my day is going. My pals don’t seem to give a damn about how I’m doing or what I’m going through, so why is that?

You no longer need to lecture me because I have a busy life. I completely agree with you that life is hectic. I have a busy life. I have an endless list of tasks to complete, but I lack the time to get them all done. However, I always manage to carve out time for my people. to quickly SMS someone to say “hello, how are you? Thinking of you.” to be there for my friends in their hour of need. to go get coffee or wine, or have a girls’ night. My friendships are really important to me.

Friendship with other people are fundamental to existence and a vital component. The friendship is a two way street. It connections and partnerships I have that have lasted more than ten years all depend on the people involved making an effort to keep in touch. Maintaining a relationship requires work. There are friends I haven’t spoken to in a long time. Additionally, I never spend more than a month without speaking with some of my pals. Or at the very least, there is a weekly exchange of messages on social media.

In instance, I haven’t spoken to or seen this friend in five years. And I’m not sure why. I saw him for his birthday in 2016 the last time I was there. Through Facebook, his recently married wife reached out to me with the idea of surprising him with a special birthday supper. Only his parents, my wife, his three siblings, and I were there.

Since then, I believe our last correspondence occurred in 2019 when he wished me a happy birthday on Instagram at random. Since he doesn’t use Instagram, it was arbitrary. And it was 2016 before we had spoken! I would occasionally text him in between those years, but I never received a reply.

I assumed he would hit me back whenever he could, so I ended it there. However, he never did. I’m not the kind to get in touch with folks repeatedly. I don’t want to come out as obnoxious, unpleasant, or bothersome to anyone. Despite being married, having four kids, and working, I am aware that he has a lot on his plate. After more time had gone, I realised one day that we hadn’t spoken for a very long time when I looked up.

It is unacceptable to go so long without talking to a friend, and it nearly seems intentional. It feels strange, especially since I was one of the few individuals present for his tiny, personal wedding ceremony, which was not like other wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, I am aware that he doesn’t maintain many friendships with friends from our youth.

friendship is a two way street
friendship is a two way street

Has he made any new pals, perhaps?

My friend and I had a five-year “friendship” before it ended because she was not a committed partner. She came from a very humble background, and both mental illness and this caused her great suffering. You know, I guess that’s what drew us together. In addition, I experience mental health issues and personal struggles.

Mostly we would just laugh and talk about meaningless things, but sometimes we would talk about worries, dreams, fears, and past experiences. The problem is that, three years into our friendship, I started experiencing sudden, intense depression and anxiety episodes. Whenever I sought out to her for help or support, she would always say this to me:

“I apologise, but I’m not sure how to assist you.” That was it at that point. She stopped answering my calls and texts because she didn’t know how to help and didn’t want to.

Friendship is a two-way street because of this. It is a pledge and a commitment. If you don’t support, listen, and care for one another, you’re only creating an environment that could lead to emotional trauma.


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