good excuses for not giving money

good excuses for not giving money
good excuses for not giving money

Even while I recognise that you may be looking for ways to decline a request for funding, I want to emphasise that i have some good excuses for not giving money, in most cases, honesty and transparency are the best practices. It’s imperative to have courteous and honest conversations, particularly with close friends and family.

good excuses for not giving money

However, consider these options if there are certain circumstances in which you don’t feel comfortable saying no:
I have a limited budget.

Whoa! I know it’s embarrassing for you to be in this circumstance, my dear friend. You’re in a difficult place right now, and I hope you can get out as soon as possible.

If my circumstances were not as demanding as they currently are, I would have wanted to be of assistance to you during these difficult times. I’m now on a restricted budget, thus this isn’t the greatest moment for me. I have to be careful and stick to it so I don’t get lost right now. I apologise for not being able to assist you due to uncontrollable circumstances. I wish you luck in finding a positive solution to this difficult circumstance you find yourself in as well as love and light in all that you do.

★No salary as of yet

I’m sorry to hear about your lacking of money; the management hasn’t paid my wage for the past two months. I have trouble moving, and feeding myself.

We are currently on strike to revolt about this issue, I only hope that the release from our payments so I can get back on my feet. My heart goes out to you in this period of need, do not relent on doing what is best for you now and in the future. I hope you make it out of these hard and trying times.

★My Health

To give a good excuses for not giving money you can say since my health has been declining for some time, the doctor recommended that I undergo a number of exams. I currently have expensive health care, so all I can do is save enough money to be able to take care of myself. My health is isolating me, so these are difficult and challenging times for me. I need a carer badly right now, but I can’t afford one due to my small financial difficulties.

My finances were highly unstable due to my health, and I’m currently working to get back on track once I’m well. I hope you find a good solution soon and wish you luck in all of your pursuits.

good excuses for not giving money
good excuses for not giving money

★My familial circumstances

Right now, my family is in a delicate circumstance. I am using every ounce of effort to ensure that this is arrested. Although I would have delighted to assist you, I am unable to change this family condition.

Since my family’s financial position is currently delicate, sharing money with you would put me in danger. I’m organising everything to make sure everything works out before things get out of control. Never forget that you are also family; don’t cast me in a depressing light. You are aware that, should the situation warrant it, I would be happy to assist you. I’m not in a good place right now.

Limited resources:

“I’m really strapped for cash right now and wouldn’t be able to help financially without putting myself in a difficult position.”

“Unfortunately, I already have existing financial commitments that prevent me from contributing.”

“Apologies for any inconvenience, but this month’s budget is short. Is there another way I can help you, maybe?

good excuses for not giving money
good excuses for not giving money
Alternative solutions:

Have you looked into any other choices or resources that could be able to help?

I could [provide other support, such helping with a task, supplying a spare item, or connecting them with relevant resources] in instead of giving you money.

When my finances are more stable in the future, I might be able to assist. May I inquire again in [certain period of time]?

I appreciate your request, but I’m not comfortable lending money at this time.”

“I need to prioritize my own financial needs at the moment.

No matter why you give, always remember to be truthful and refrain from making exaggerated claims. Think on the situation and your relationship with the individual making the money request. It might be appropriate to discuss your financial situation in greater depth or look at other options together.

Even in trying financial times, it’s critical to put a high priority on good communication and enduring connections. There are some good excuses for not giving money is given. The economy is not allowing money to easily command its full worth due to the ongoing price inflation of goods and services.

People sometimes become lost and want financial assistance. This can put us in a difficult situation since we don’t want to appear rude or heartless, but if you don’t have any money to give away, there are still courteous ways to make someone feel less important. You don’t have to place yourself on a pedestal of feelings or feel horrible about yourself.


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