what do you call a bagel that can fly

what do you call a bagel that can fly
what do you call a bagel that can fly

There is lot of question that we got is what do you call a bagel that can fly is pun plays on the meaning of the word “plain,” which is “to soar through the air” as well as “simple and unadorned.” That being said, a plain bagel is one that is flyable, straightforward, and unadorned. We can call bagel that can fly is bagelicopter.

what do you call a bagel that can fly


This is a traditional pun that has been used for a long time. In addition to being a common meme, it is frequently used in jokes and riddles.

A more thorough explanation of the pun “a plain bagel is a bagel that can fly” can be found here:

There are two definitions of “plain”:

  1. Plain and simple.
  2. To take off and fly.

The first interpretation is the most typical and the one we employ the most. For instance, we may define a plain bagel as one without any toppings, such poppy seeds, sesame seeds, or everything bagel seasoning.

what do you call a bagel that can fly
what do you call a bagel that can fly

Although it is less frequent, the second meaning of “plain” is nevertheless used occasionally. For instance, we could describe a bird that is soaring without flapping its wings as plaining through the air.

The creative manner that the pun “a plain bagel is a bagel that can fly” combines the two senses of the word “plain” makes it work. Not only is a plain bagel literally straightforward and unadorned, but it also has the ability to soar (figuratively).

The pun’s unexpectedness adds to its humour. The concept of a flying bagel is amusing because we don’t typically equate bagels with flying.

This joke makes use of puns:

> Why is a plain bagel the best kind of bagel?

> Because it can fly!

Hope you got your answer of what do you call a bagel that can fly. The humorous aspect of this joke stems from its manipulation of the dual connotations of the word “plain”. The joke is that plain bagels are the best because they can fly, but the listener expects the answer to talk about the taste or texture of plain bagels. I hope my clarification was clear!


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